JUNE 25, 1968 | SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIASan Francisco Giants’ rookie Bobby Bonds came in with a bang. He hit a grand slam home run in his first major league game on this date in 1968

Yes, Bobby Bonds was Barry Bonds‘ father. Barry’s stats outshine his father’s, but Bobby was no slouch himself. He was a 5-tool player – run, catch, throw, hit and hit for power. Five times, Bobby hit 30 home runs and stole 30 bases. Five times he had 90 or more RBI. His best all-around year was 1970 when he hit .302, 26 home runs, 78 runs batted in, which is not phenomenal, but he also had 134 runs scored and a .375 on base percentage.

Despite some excellent numbers, Bobby just didn’t seem to quite meet expectations – which were high. His longest stint was with the same team his son finished his career with – the San Francisco Giants. Bobby Bonds bounced around a lot. He played for the Yankees, Angels, White Sox, Rangers, Cardinals and Cubs. But Bonds came in with a bang in 1968.

Contributing sources:
Home run in first major league at-bat
Players who hit home runs in first major league at-bat

Published by

Bill Grimes

I'm from Chicago. I worked in broadcast journalism for much of the 1970's and 80's. In 1990 I became a litigation consultant, retiring in 2017. Around 2005 I recall flipping through the sports section of the newspaper coming across "On this day in baseball history Willie Mays hit his 600th home run." I enjoyed the one-liners, but I wanted more. I wanted a story. I took my news reporting skills and started researching and telling baseball stories, one for every day of the year. TodayinBaseball.com is the result.